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​10 Must-have Café Supplies and Barista Tools

​10 Must-have Café Supplies and Barista Tools

28th Apr 2023

When you're starting out (and even when you're a seasoned veteran!) the huge range of café supplies and barista tools available can be overwhelming. As a barista or cafe owner, it is essential to have the right set of tools to make the perfect cup of coffee consistently. From espresso machines to milk jugs and tampers, the tools you choose can impact the quality of your coffee, speed of service, and even your customers' satisfaction. 

To help you get a better overview of which products are necessary for a successful coffee  business, we’ve put together a list of essential cafe tools and equipment that you need to have in your café. 

Espresso Machines 

This is the most critical tool a barista can have. It is essential to invest in a quality espresso machine that can consistently produce high-quality espresso shots. We've got several machine parts available for various espresso machines, including La MarzoccoFaemaSan Remo, and more.

Milk Jugs 

A milk jug or a milk frothing pitcher is essential to create latte art and to froth milk to the perfect consistency for cappuccinos, lattes, and other milk-based drinks. You can find our selection of Fellow Eddy, EDO, and other Milk Pitchers here


A tamper is used to evenly distribute coffee grounds in the portafilter, creating an even extraction of coffee. It is absolutely essential for you to be able to make the perfect cup of coffee. Explore our selection of tampers from EDOArtpresso, and others today.

Pitcher Rinsers 

A pitcher rinser is a tool that allows you to quickly clean your milk jugs thoroughly, giving you plenty of time to service your customers and make the best cups of coffee. We have a wide variety of pitcher rinsers available to suit your individual needs. 


A coffee scale is necessary to ensure consistency in coffee measurements and can help in achieving the perfect ratio of coffee to water, so you can ensure that the taste of your coffee is the best it can be. Find our collection of coffee scales here.

Coffee Grinders 

A quality coffee grinder is a must-have tool to ensure that coffee beans are ground to the correct consistency for the type of coffee being brewed. We have a fantastic selection of espresso grinders and brew grinders available, including CeadoMahlkoenigFellow grinders and more. 

Knock Box 

A knock box is used to dispose of used coffee grounds and is an essential tool in maintaining a clean workspace. We have several knock boxes available in various sizes to suit whatever needs you may have. 

Cleaning Supplies 

Cleaning supplies such as brushes, cloths, and cleaning solutions are necessary to maintain the espresso machine and keep the workspace clean and hygienic. Our selection of cleaning supplies include brushesclothscleaning chemicals and much more. 


A portafilter is a removable handle that holds the coffee grounds, and it is an essential tool in creating the most perfect espresso shots. We’ve got several portafilters available for various espresso machines.