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The Benefits of Using Water Filters for Your Espresso Machine

The Benefits of Using Water Filters for Your Espresso Machine

21st Jul 2023

We've all heard that using filtered water in your espresso machine is important. But do you know why this is? We caught up with Roger Whitehouse, Beverage Division Sales Manager at WaterCare, to discover the advantages of using a water filter within your espresso machine.

4 Benefits of Using Water Filters:

It improves the taste of your coffee

According to Roger, “Treated water can enhance the flavour of your espresso by removing impurities and undesirable elements.” The water filter removes impurities, such as calcium and magnesium, so your coffee won’t be negatively impacted by these. In doing so, the natural flavours and characteristics of the coffee beans are more pronounced, resulting in a cleaner and more enjoyable cup of espresso.

It reduces scale build-up

Over time, scale can build up in your coffee machine, especially in areas affected by hard water. This can result in clogged internal components of the coffee machine which affect the performance and longevity of your machine. By using a water filter, you can minimise scale build-up and extend the lifespan of your espresso machine.

It enhances your espresso machine’s performance

If you want to enhance the performance of your espresso machine, using a water filter is the way to go. Roger explains, “Reduced mineral content prevents the formation of scale on heating elements, pipes, and valves, ensuring consistent water flow and temperature control. This leads to more accurate extraction, allowing the machine to produce espresso with better crema and flavor balance.”

It’s easier to maintain your coffee machine

Treating your water minimises the need for frequent descaling and cleaning of your coffee machine. With fever mineral deposits, your routine maintenance of your machine becomes less time consuming and a lot more simple. Additionally, using water filters also helps maintain the overall cleanliness of your espresso machine and reduces the risk of bacterial growth.

Finally, Roger wanted to note, “that the specific benefits of treated water may vary depending on the quality of your tap water and the type of treatment you use. Some common methods for water treatment include filtration systems, water softeners (non-sodium), reverse osmosis, and carbon filters. Consider consulting with a WaterCare ltd or referring to your espresso machine's manufacturer guidelines for recommendations on the most suitable water treatment approach for your specific needs.”

Explore our range of WaterCare water filters and learn more about our range of water filters for coffee machines below.

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WaterCare Water Filters

The Five Best Water Filters For Espresso Machines

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