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Why Is My Coffee Grinder Breaking Down? Grinder Essentials You Should Consider

Why Is My Coffee Grinder Breaking Down? Grinder Essentials You Should Consider

5th Mar 2024

Like any type of equipment, coffee grinders require regular maintenance and occasional part replacements to ensure optimal performance. But which grinder parts may need to be replaced? We’ve collected a list of the most common grinder parts that you may have to invest in, as well as the often overlooked necessity of grinder cleaner.

Grinder Burrs

The grinder burrs are one of the most crucial components of a coffee grinder. As time goes on, your burrs may become dull or worn, which could lead to inconsistent grinder performance and a decline in coffee quality. Depending on how much you use your grinder as well as how you maintain it on a daily basis, your burrs may need to be replaced every one to three years. Investing in high-quality replacement burrs is essential for maintaining grind consistency and preserving the flavour of your coffee.

Grinder Hopper

The hopper is equally susceptible to wear and tear. Over time, cracks, warping, or discolouration may occur. Additionally, oils from the coffee beans may leave a residue, which could potentially affect the taste of the coffee. By regularly inspecting the hopper for signs of damage and replacing it as needed can help prolong the lifespan of your coffee grinder.


The capacitor is an essential component of any coffee grinder, due to its capabilities of initiating the electric motor within the grinder. However, sometimes the capacitor may break down, resulting in the grinder not being able to start or grind the coffee properly.

Grinder Cleaner

Last but not least, we cannot forget to mention the importance of using a high-quality coffee grinder cleaner. Although it is not a traditional “part” of your coffee grinder, it is still a crucial accessory for maintaining optimal grinder performance. As grinders can accumulate oils, residues, and coffee particles over time, it is important to clean your grinder at regular intervals, to ensure that your coffee won’t taste off. Additionally, cleaning your grinder regularly also helps prolong the life of your grinder parts.

By being proactive in inspecting and replacing critical components such as burrs and using a grinder cleaner, you can continue to enjoy freshly ground coffee for years to come. Remember to consult your grinder's user manual and choose the correct parts to replace for your specific grinder model. If you have any questions about which grinder parts you should purchase, please reach out to a member of our team today. 

Find the grinder parts you need:

Coffee Grinders

Grinder Burrs

Grinder Capacitors

Grinder Hoppers

Grinder Cleaning Tools

Grinder Parts