Keep It Fresh
The premium stainless steel handle is built for durability and comfortable to hold.
Airtight is good, but vacuum sealed is better. Atmos takes the hassle (and oxygen) out of storing coffee. A first-of-its-kind integrated vacuum pump sucks out air to reduce oxidation and keep coffee fresh for twice as long.
Intuitive LED indicator
The LED on the lid indicates vacuum state, battery level, and more, plus it activates when lifted thanks to a built-in accelerometer so you can always know the status of your seal.
Automatically Maintains Vaccum
Since coffee beans release carbon dioxide over time, a sensor in the lid always monitors the vaccum, and will top it off when the pressure inside drops below 30 pKa.
One touch vacuum seal
With just one push of the button, Electric Atmos creates a vacuum inside the canister of up to 50 pKa, banishing oxygen in seconds and preserving your goods.
Airtight Seal
Beautifully functional and fully sealable, a powerful silicone ring stops air, moisture, odors, and other funk from seeping in.
Much More Than Coffee
Stash peppercorns, loose leaf tea, peanuts, or Cracker Jacks. Anything you want to keep fresher for longer in a storage container.
Choose Your Storage Style
Stainless steel shields your contents from flavor-sucking sunlight. Prefer to put them on display? Choose clear glass.