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Mastering the Weiss Distribution Technique: What is it and how does it help you pull espresso?

Mastering the Weiss Distribution Technique: What is it and how does it help you pull espresso?

15th Feb 2024

Achieving the perfect balance of flavour, aroma and crema when pulling your espresso shot takes precession and patience. Fortunately, there's been a steady flow of new advancements and tools that help improve espresso preparation workflow. One of these techniques is the Weiss Distribution Technique, also called the WDT.

What is the Weiss Distribution Technique? 

The Weiss Distribution Technique was developed by John Weiss and gained popularity for its ability to improve extraction consistency and enhance flavour in espresso. The technique introduced a new approach to distributing coffee grounds, with a focus on evenly distributing the coffee grounds within the portafilter before tamping. 

The Step-by-Step Process to WDT 

Step 1:

Start by dosing the appropriate amount of coffee grounds into the portafilter basket. 

Step 2:

Instead of immediately tamping the grounds, insert the needles of your WDT tool into your coffee grounds to break up any clumps and evenly distribute the coffee grounds across the entire surface of the basket. This step helps to ensure a more uniform extraction. 

Step 3: 

Once the grounds are evenly distributed, use a levelling tool to gently level the surface of the coffee. This step further promotes uniformity and prepares the grounds for tamping. 

Step 4: 

With the coffee grounds evenly distributed and levelled, proceed to tamp the grounds with consistent pressure. 

Step 5: 

Pull your shot of espresso! 

Types of WDT Tools 

At Espresso Solutions, we have WDT tools available for next-day delivery within the UK that can help you achieve the perfect espresso shot. 

Speak to a member of our team today if you’d like to learn more about our range of WDT tools.